The Adaptation of Writing Disposition Scale into Turkish

Kamil İşeri, Emre Ünal


The aim of this study is to adapt the Writing Disposition Scale that was developed by Piazza and Siebert (2008) for Turkish and to show the validity and reliability of the scale. The study group consists of the students studying in the 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes of primary schools in Niğde city center. In this context, data has been obtained from 3533 students from 25 primary schools, and the analysis is completed through 3485 data pieces. The scale is seen to be composed of three dimensions (passion, confidence, persistence). The Cronbach’s alpha reliability factor is found to be .893 for the whole scale, .806 for the confidence sub-dimension, .749 for the persistence sub-dimension and .914 for the passion sub-dimension. The scale is shown to be valid and reliable.


Writing disposition, scale, adaptation

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