An Evaluation of the Knowledge of Senior High School Students About Aids

Duyan Mağden, Semra Şahin, Funda Metin, Ferzan Akkaya


This study was conducted to determine the background and opinions of the senior high school students on HIV/AIDS in the central region of Ankara. A total of 720 (364 female and 356 male) senior students were given the questionnaire.The data were collected using the method of answering under observation.At the end of the study, it was found that the majority of the students have accurate information about HIV/AIDS. However, it was observed that 26.8% of the students approved the isolation of HIV/AIDS carriers from the community.In addition, some of the students had misconceptions about ways of infection. For example, 49.58% of (hem thought that the virus can be spreaded by swimming in the sea and by shaking hands. Kissing on the cheek and sharing glasses, forks etc. are the other routes to infection according to 48.47% and 64.02% students, respectively.


Highschool students, HIV/AIDS, contamination, prevention

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