Mathematics in the Early Childhood Period

Serap Çimen Erdoğan, Gülen Baran


The preschool period is the fastest period for the development of children, and where they gain the basic- concepts. Gaining basic skills necessary for the understanding of mathematics and other sciences during the preschool period creates a base for the mathematical information and concepts for the school age. During the preschool period, mathematics involves counting, measurement, shape, time and place concepts. Children’s understanding of how to use concepts in the most basic ways develops depending on the child’s experiments and what he has seen. Children can understand the concepts as long as they can observe, touch, taste and hear. Children between two and six years like to move, to use their senses to classify objects in groups, to order objects and to experiment with different materials. Mathematical concepts can take place in every field of preschool education programs. Mathematics programs must be planned well. Programs must include experiments providing new lives and increasing the expressive ability of the child.


Preschool education, mathematics, mathematics concepts, mathematics program

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