Analyzing Teachers’ Definitions of Effective Teachers According to Effective Teaching Dimensions

Sema Karakelle


In this study, the qualities of an effective teacher have been postulated in six categories through a survey of existing sources. The way in which high school teachers characterise effective teaching is determined and discussed in terms of these six categories. The study was carried out on 546 teachers. The teachers were interviewed to determine 10 qualities describing effective teaching. Data frequencies and percentages were calculated. According to the data, high school teachers see the following as priority qualities: an ability to related to students and colleagues, love of the profession, giving importance to self development, proficiency and expertise in the field, attention to dress, proper preparation for classes, patience, responsibility, openness to innovation. When considering these qualities in terms of the six categories, personal characteristics and attitudes and relationships with students are seen as relatively more important than teaching, classroom management and presentation skills.


Effective Teaching, effective teaching dimension, teacher’s opinion

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