Analyses of the Cartoon Series from a Gender Equality Perspective: Pepee

Nurdan Kalaycı


Mass media play an important role in the formation and continuation of the concept of gender equality within society. The purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate the cartoon series called “Pepee” according to the concept of gender equality. Presentation of gender roles through various educational tools in society is important in terms of the construction and formation of children's perspective about gender.

This is a descriptive study utilizing a qualitative research design. The study sample which was analyzed was composed of 45 episodes of the Pepee cartoon series. Research data were analyzed both using the methods of content analyses and semiotics. It was revealed that both the female and male characters of this cartoon limited by gender roles in terms of stereotypes which are related to gender equality, actions, colors and the types of clothing and also it was revealed that it includes messages which mat reproduce sexist viewpoints. Based on the analyses, considering the findings in a holistic sense, it was observed that, the Pepee cartoons did contain messages of gender inequality.

Analyses showed that even though many of the activities illustrated in the cartoon can be performed by both males or females, there were many activities, such as watering flowers, setting the table, and taking care of the baby, which were solely attributed to the female characters, while activities such as, driving a car, and riding a bicycle or a balloon were attributed to the male characters. Messages of gender inequality were identified in all episodes regarding such aspects as clothing colors, clothing types, emotional situations and the games played by the characters.

All cartoons designed for educational purposes should involve episodic content and program scenarios to be in line with the principals of human rights and equality. All parts of the components of the societal system such as these cartoons have the responsibility in the society to prevent gender discrimination, as well as to promote gender equality awareness.


Cartoon, Pepee, Gender roles, Gender equality, Gender inequality, Semiotics


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