Adaptation of Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) to Turkish

İsmail Önder, Şenol Beşoluk


The purpose of this study is to determine the validity and reliability of the Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire developed by Biggs, Kember and Leung (2001) so that it fits well into the case of Turkey. The revised version of the questionnaire was administered to 528 university students to determine its validity and reliability. The instrument consists of two main dimensions those deep learning and surface learning. Each of the main dimensions consists of two sub-dimensions. The sub-dimensions of deep learning are deep motive and deep strategy; the sub-dimensions of surface learning are surface motive and surface strategy. The instrument consists of 20 items. The factor structure of the questionnaire was investigated by descriptive and confirmatory factor analysis. The findings of the analysis showed that the latent structure of the questionnaire is best described by two factor structure model. Reliability analysis of the instrument revealed Cronbach-Alpha coefficients of 0.78 for the dimension of deep learning, 0.74 for the dimension of surface learning. These results showed that the Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire can be used in Turkey.


Learning approach, study process questionnaire, validity and reliability

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