This study, conducted as correlational research, aims to objectively examine the validity of cloze tests in Turkish, which are commonly used to assess reading comprehension levels, general language proficiency, and the readability of written materials, and to evaluate the procedures for using these tests to measure reading comprehension. The study investigates the consistency between multiple-choice reading comprehension tests, frequently used in national exams for their functionality and objectivity, and cloze tests designed and scored using various methods. During the study, a total of eight measurement tools were administered to a sample group of 90 seventh-grade students. These tools consisted of four multiple-choice reading comprehension tests based on four distinct texts and four cloze tests, each systematically deleting a word at a different position within the text. Two scoring methods were applied to the cloze tests, one considering only the exact words as correct and the other accepting alternative words that preserved the meaning of the sentence. Within this scope, approximately 23,000 test items were presented to the students in the study group, and around 43,000 evaluations were conducted on these items. Data collected during the 2023-2024 academic year were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis, revealing a significant positive relationship between cloze tests and multiple-choice tests. Tests scored by considering only the exact words demonstrated greater consistency, while the correlation decreased when context-preserving alternatives were accepted as correct. The highest correlation occurred when every sixth word was systematically deleted. Based on the findings, it is recommended that in cloze tests, exact words should be accepted as correct instead of context-preserving words, every 6th word should be systematically deleted, and the tests should be systematically integrated into measurement and evaluation practices.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15390/EB.2025.14079