Guide For Authors








Aim of the Journal

Education and Science, published by Turkish Education Association (TEA), is an international peer-reviewed journal.

Being a non-profit and non-governmental organization working for the good of the public and as part of its foundation purposes and social responsibility policies, TEA attaches importance to improving the education system. Through Education and Science, TEA is and will be happy to contribute to qualified scientific studies which bear the potential to solve educational problems.

Education and Science intends to help the establishment of an education system where each and every individual, firstly in our country and then in the world, can attain the necessary knowledge and skills. In addition, Education and Science serves the purpose of popularizing the academic studies that present concrete solutions to the problems encountered in all levels -from pre-school to higher education- and that contibute to the professional development of teachers and academicians.

Education and Science prioritizes happier children and more qualified school practices. Creating content in this respect and being able to manage it will not only help becoming a "focus journal" and "school of journal", but also lay the foundations for the development of a holistic outlook on educational problems. Meanwhile, the journal assumes the role of a mediator in the production of a sustainable development and shared wisdom in education.


Focus and Scope

In line with its aims, Education and Science focuses on studies that;

  • help teachers become professionals,
  • serve a bridge between theory and practice by contributing directly to school and classroom practices,
  • provide a holistic outlook on the school ecosystem,
  • evaluate the educational problems faced by Turkey both within its own context and with international comparisons.

The following types of studies are also within the publication scope of Education and Science.

  • Studies that analyse the fundamental problems and practices in pre-school, primary education and secondary education,
  • Studies that help those actively teaching and other professionals with improving their skills and educational strategies,
  • Studies that aim for development of teacher candidates as more qualified teachers; that scrutinize teacher training models and that include any strategy and innovative teacher training practices whose sample is limited to the related teaching field,
  • Studies that have conduct meta-analysis, content analysis, profile analysis and studies that have included large research groups or samples,
  • Any type of study that may affect the individual, educational and social development and career planning of students at pre-school, primary, secondary education and high school levels,
  • Theoretical they may be, studies that develop and evaluate a new educational model,
  • Studies that improve and support the parental involvement in education,
  • Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies,
  • Studies where educational scales are developed and tested for practicality, validity and reliability,
  • Technology integration studies that help with the improvement of educational practices.

Limitations and Returned Applications

Studies conducted in the areas indicated below are out of the scope of Education and Science, and they are not accepted for review;

  • Those studies where university students and prospective teachers are the sample are not accepted for publication. However, studies that address the aformentioned samples, limited with the cases indicated in the Focus and Scope section, are found acceptable. Those studies focusing on prospective teachers are reviewed on condition that they are related with "teacher training". Such studies should not only improve the quality of the teacher training programs but also bring innovation. And they should propose a teacher education model and suggestions about new methods, tools and practices to be used during training. To illustrate, studies that are conducted with prospective science teachers in order to train better science teachers are within the scope of Education and Science. In short, it is necessary that the study bring innovation to teacher education and its content and application be directly related with the program where the sample is taken from.
  • Studies that include only scale development and validation are not acceptable. However, original studies where the practicality of the scale is tested may be accepted for review. About this issue, please see the format of the scale development and adaptation studies that have been published since 2015.
  • The studies conducted with a small research group or a small sampling rates and those carried out via meta-analysis, and content and profile analysis are not accepted for publication. Additionally, the regional studies are not accepted for publication either.
  • Also, those studies which
    • are conducted in the supporting fields like methodologies used by educational researchers, fundamentals of measurement and statistics,
    • measure the attitudes, behaviours etc. of undergraduates towards a specific university course,
    • are conducted with demographic or categorized data (obtained from an information form about grade level, school type, gender, etc.),
    • evaluate a course, curriculum or content from the perspective of teachers or students,
    • analyse and evaluate coursebooks,
    • are compilations of literature and book analysis,
    • are about fields out of the scope of educational sciences (e.g.: engineering, nursing, architecture education),

are not within the scope of Education and Science.


Publication Frequency

Education and Science, an internationally peer-reviewed journal, is published four times a year in January, April, July and October. In a year, only two special issues can be published. The announcements related to special issues are made at least one year prior to publication. The topics to be covered in the special issues are determined by the Editorial Board in a way that current discussions are the focus and so that special issue can guide the education and educational policies.


Publication Language

Publication language of Education and Science is both English and Turkish. Manuscripts can be submitted in Turkish or English. The submitted manuscript should comply with the grammar rules and the related scientific literature.

After the acceptance of the manuscript, the final copy should be submitted in both languages. Submitted final copies are checked by the language editors (English and Turkish) of Education and Science. Language editors may request a proofreading in case of insufficiency. Proofreading should be made by one of the accredited language institutions proposed below. The author(s) are responsible for the submission of the muniment.

The companies where the author (s) can get support in the translation and proofreading process are presented below:


Journal Sections

Education and Science publishes only Original Research Articles.


Open Access Policy

Education and Science adopts open access policy. Open access to information benefits the humanity as it improves the global value of information. Education and Science also supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative that was signed on September 12, 2012. Thus, the open access policies adopted by the editorial board of Education and Science can be found at

Creative Commons All articles published in Education and Science are licensed with "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License". This license entitles all parties to copy, share and redistribute all the articles, data sets, figures and supplementary files published in this journal in data mining, search engines, web sites, blogs and other digital platforms under the condition of providing references. Open access is an apporach that eases the interdisciplinary communication and encourages cooperation among different disciplines. Education and Science, therefore, contributes to its own field by providing more access to its articles and a more transparent review process.

Education and Science recommends that libraries include the article contents into library catalogue records.

Turkish Education Association (TEA), publisher of Education and Science, guarentees that it will not ask for any publication fees from any library or reader to access the electronic articles.

Since Education and Science claims no fees for article review or printing and for access to articles, it has no source of income. Accordingly, the following pecuniary obligations of the manuscripts submitted to Education and Science lie with the authors:

  • The studies in Education and Science are published as full texts both in Turkish and English. The journal does not have any translation services for this purpose, but recommends some accredited companies to the author(s).
  • In accordance with the suggestions made by field editors or reviewers, language editing or editing required by the editorial board of Education and Science is done by the aforementioned companies.
  • All costs incurred in plagiarism detection, layout and galley, references, attribution and attribution check lies with the author(s).

Privacy Statement

Personal information like names and e-mail addresses submitted to the Education and Science journal management system will be used exclusively for this journal and TEA's scientific aims. Such information will not be used for other purposes and will not be shared with third parties.



All the high level data and full texts of the articles published in Education and Science are stored in XML and .pdf formats in a third party cloud server that is closed to access. Morover, all the articles are stored and published in .pdf format on ULAKBİM servers via TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM National Databases.


Abstracting and Indexing

Social Sciences Citation Index


ProQuest Central

EBSCO Education Source

TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Social Sciences Database


Sponsorship and Advertising

As part of its publication policies, Education and Science does not accept sponsorship or advertisements. However, the journal can make announcements on its web page about non-profit scientific and educational events.




Writing Rules

Those manuscripts to be submitted to Education and Science should be prepared according to the following Article Templates.

Turkish Article Template | English Article Template

Page Format: A4 Portrait, Margins (Normal) (top, bottom, left, right 2,5cm)

Education and Science do not limit the page or word numbers of articles. However, the Editorial Board or the Scientific Board may comment that the manuscript may be shortened without losing quality.

Font Family: Main titles should be written using 11 pt. and the text 10 pt. Palatino Linotype font.

Each study should be composed of the following main titles in the same order as shown below:


The title of the study should reflect the content clearly and be comprehensive. Except for the linkers, each word should be capitalized.


It should include the aim of the study, its scope, method, results, important features and original value briefly and clearly. There is no word limit for the abstract.


Minimum 5, maximum 7 keywords that reflect the whole study should be selected.


The basis of the research topic, summary related with the parts of the study, the significance of the subject in the academic literature, the importance of the study, research problem and aims should be explained in a detailed fashion in the introduction.


The type, research group, data collection tools, validity and reliability, data collection techniques, data analysis, limitations and ethical committee approval (if necessary) of the research should be explained exhaustively.


The results of the study should be explained with tables, diagrams, graphics or pictures in a way that supports the aim and problem of the study.

Discussion *

In the light of the importance of the study, the results should be discussed referring to literature and author opinions.

Conclusion *

In the conclusion, the main ideas driven from the discussions should be explained.

Suggestions *

Suggestions that are suitable for the discussion and results of the study must be made. In addition, suggestions that can contribute to the literature and are related with future studies and applications in the field must be included.

Acknowledgements **

Those people or institutions who were of little help in the shaping of the study should be acknowledged.


References should be prepared according to APA 6 – Citation Guide. The in-text references should be given in a way that accords with the language of the full text. For Turkish manuscripts Turkish referencing guidelines and for English manuscripts English referencing guidelines should be observed.

Font family is Palatino Linotype and line spacing is 3nk. Indentation should start under the 4th letter.

Appendices **

Additional tables, graphics and pictures should be given on a separate page after the references. Each appendix should be numbered as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ... and each appendix should have a separate title.

* Discussion, Results and Suggestions could be given under the same title or separately.

** If there are Acknowledgements and Additional Information these should be given under main titles like Introduction or Method.

Tables and Figures
Authors should pay attention to the template of the examples given in the Template for the titles of Tables and Diagrams and text properties.
12 nk space before and after Tables and Diagrams
Tables and their titles, Font size: 10
Table and its number, Bold. E.g.: Table 1. Table Title
If the diagram is a graphic and editable, the title and internal text should have a font size of 10.
Diagram and its number, Bold. E.g.: Figure 1/Diagram 1. Figure/Diagram Title
If the diagrams include a picture or a visual that cannot be edited it should be transferred into Word with 300 DPI resolution and the original diagram should be uploaded via Upload Supplementary Files in the 4th step of Submiting a Manuscript.



Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2014). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni SPSS Uygulamaları ve Yorum (20. bs.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.

Gönderme: (Büyüköztürk, 2014, s. 194)

Kitap İçi Bölüm

Bayır, D. (1997). USMARC uygulamasına genel bir bakış. B. Yılmaz (Yay. Haz.). Kütüphanecilik Bölümü 25.Yıl'a armağan içinde (s. 199-218). Ankara: Hacettepe üniversitesi Kütüphanecilik Bölümü.

Gönderme: (Bayır, 1997, s. 207)

Çeviri Kitap

Lewis, B. (2000). Modern Türkiye'nin doğuşu (M. Kıratlı, çev.). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.

Gönderme: Lewis, 2000, s. 12


Karakelle, S. (2012). Üstbilişsel farkındalık, zeka, problem çözme algısı ve düşünme ihtiyacı arasındaki bağlantılar. Eğitim ve Bilim, 37(164), 237-250. doi:10.15390/EB.2014.3078

Gönderme: (Karakelle, 2012, s. 245)

Elektronik Makale

Karakelle, S. (2012). Üstbilişsel farkındalık, zeka, problem çözme algısı ve düşünme ihtiyacı arasındaki bağlantılar. Eğitim ve Bilim, 37(164), 237-250. adresinden erişildi.

Gönderme: (Karakelle, 2012, s. 240)


Mantar, E. (2003). Kütüphanecilikte sürekli eğitim: Ankara'da bulunan üniversite kütüphaneleri üzerine bir inceleme. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Hacettepe üniversitesi, Ankara.

Gönderme: (Mantar, 2003, s. 67)


Çakmak, T. ve Körpeoğlu, H. (2012). Web content management within the organizational identity framework: A Study for Hacettepe University Department of Information Management web content management system. BOBCATSSS 2012 Information in E-motion 23-25 Ocak 2012 içinde (s. 91-93). Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

Gönderme: (Çakmak ve Körpeoğlu, 2012, s. 92)

Web Sayfası

UNESCO. (2013). World Heritage list. adresinden erişildi.

Gönderme: (UNESCO, 2013)


Copyright Notice

The manuscripts submitted to Education and Science for publication should be original studies that were not published before or not submitted to anywhere else for publication.

Authors who submit their studies to Education and Science should acknowledge that they have to transfer the copyright of their studies to Turkish Education Association. The editorial board of the journal is authorized to publish the study. Nonetheless, the following rights are reserved:

  • Patent rights,
  • All unregistered rights apart from copyright,
  • Duplication rights on condition that the study is not sold,
  • The right to use the whole or parts of the study in the author's own books or other academic studies on condition that reference is given,
  • The right to publish the study on personal websites or open archive of their university on condition that the copyright details are provided.

Those authors who will submit their studies to Education and Science have to fill in the "Copyright Transfer Form". Wet signature is required. The signed form should be scanned and uploaded to the system via file upload option in the 4th step of submitting manuscripts to the journal. Meanwhile, the wet-signed form must be posted to the following address: "Turk Egitim Dernegi (TED) Kizilirmak Caddesi No: 8 06640 Bakanliklar, Ankara, Turkey". The studies whose copyright transfer form is not received by the journal will not be published.

Creative Commons All the articles published in Education and Science are licensed with "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License". This license entitles all parties to copy, share and redistribute all the articles, data sets, figures and supplementary files published in this journal in data mining, search engines, web sites, blogs and other digital platforms under the condition of providing references. Open access is an apporach that eases the interdisciplinary communication and encourages cooperation among different disciplines. Education and Science, therefore, contributes to its own field by providing more access to its articles and a more transparent review process.


Approval of Ethics Committee

In the social sciences, the Committee of Ethics is a committee that evaluates research proposals with the aim of protecting human rights before, during and after the research, preventing them from harm, and obtaining informed consent.This committee provides an approval and document this approval as an official record by reviewing the methods of researches.

  • Approval of Ethics Committee should be submitted for all manuscripts.
  • Researchers who are not affiliated with any institution should apply to the Committee of Ethics of the universities in their provinces before the data collection process of their research.
  • For the manuscript derived from theses and dissertations, it is sufficient to submit the Approval of Ethics Committee received for the thesis or dissertations. A separate Approval of Ethics Committee document is not expected for these manuscripts.

*Institutional and individual research permissions obtained for the scope and the conduction of the research are not accepted as an approval of the Ethics Committee.


Peer Review Process

Blind review is a method used to make sure scientific publications are produced with the highest quality. This method is fundamental to the objective review of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals. Reviewer views are determinant in the publication quality of Education and Science. All manuscripts submitted to Education and Science are blind reviewed according to the steps below:

Blind Review Method

Education and Science uses the double blind review method in the review process of all studies. In this method the identities of the authors and reviewers are confidential.

Initial Review Process

The studies submitted to Education and Science are reviewed by the editors first. At this stage, the studies which are not related with the journal's aim and scope, weak in terms of language and wording, lack originality, contain critical scientific mistakes and do not meet the publishing criteria are rejected. The authors of such studies are informed in two month following the submission date. The studies deemed acceptable, on the other hand, are submitted to a field editor related with the subject of study that the work focuses on.

Pre-review Process

In the pre-review process, the field editors evaluate the introduction and literature, method, findings, results, discussion parts of the studies in detail with respect to the publishing policies and scope of the journal as well as originality. As a result of this process, those studies that are found unacceptable are returned within four weeks the latest together with the field editor report. And the studies which are deemed appropriate are assigned to reviewers.

Assigning Reviewers

Reviewers are assigned according to the content of the studies and their subject of expertise. The field editor who reviews the study recommends two reviewers, based on their subject of expertise, from the reviewer pool of Education and Science or a new reviewer related with the subject of study addressed in the article. The recommendations are then evaluated by the editors and the studies are passed on to the reviewers who are obligated to guarantee that they will not share any document or detail about the study they review.

Reviewer Reports

In general, the reviewer reports are based on the originality of the studies, methods, ethical considerations, consistent presentation of the findings and results and analysis of the studies with respect to literature. This evaluation is done according to the following:

  1. Introduction and literature: the reviewer report includes views about the presentation and aims of the problem addressed in the study, the importance of the topic, the scope of the related literature, the originality and topicality of the study.
  2. Method: the reviewer report includes views about the appropriateness of the research method, sample choice and properties, validity and reliability issues, as well as data collection and data analysis.
  3. Findings: the reviewer report includes views about the presentation of the findings obtained through the method, the accuracy of the analysis methods, the consistency of the aims and findings of the study, the presentation of tables, diagrams and visuals that are needed, and the conceptual evaluation of the scales.
  4. Evaluation and Discussion: the reviewer report includes views about discussions based on findings, suitability with the research question(s) and hypothesis(ses), generalizability and applicability.
  5. Results and Suggestions: the reviewer report includes views about contribution to literature, recommendations for future studies and suggestions about applications in the field.
  6. Style and Wording: the reviewer report includes views about whether the title comprises the content of the study, whether the Turkish language is used accurately and whether APA6 rules are observed in giving references and in-text references in parallel with the language of the full text.
  7. Overall Evaluation: the reviewer report includes views about the originality of the study as a whole and the contribution it makes to the education literature and applications.

In the review process, reviewers are not expected to redact the study according to its galley features.

Reviewing Process

Reviewers are given 6 weeks for review. It is compulsory for the authors to complete the editing of their work within 1 month according to the rules stated in "editing manual". Reviewers may ask multiple editing of a study if they deem necessary.

Review Result

The field editor evaluates the review by reviewers within 2 weeks at the latest and as a result of this evaluation the field editor informs the editors about his/her final decision regarding the study.

Editorial Board Decision

Based on the review done by the field editor and reviewers, editors report the views of the editorial board to the author(s) in a week at the latest along with the suggestions made by the field editor and reviewers. In this process the studies that are not accepted for publication are returned without request for plagiarism detection. The final decision about the accepted studies is made based on the results of the plagiarism detection report.

How long does the Publication Review Process last?

It is anticipated that the publication review process of the studies submitted to Education and Science be completed in 6 months. However, the period during which editors or reviewers ask the author(s) to do editing and the author(s) complete the editing is not included in this time frame.


New Submission Guide

Those authors who will submit their manuscripts to Education and Science for review can do so by signing themselves up to the journal management system at

Author(s) should follow the "New Submission Guide" to sign up and submit their study.


Guidance for Revision

At Education and Science, editors, field editors and/or reviewers may ask for multiple editing or revision of a study.

The author(s) is responsible for doing timely, complete and explanatory editing and revision to the study with an understanding that all the recommendations made by the journal are objective and intended to improve the quality of work.

The author(s) should upload the required editing and revisions to the system according to the "Editing Manual and Submit Revision".


Article Withdrawal

Education and Science values holistic and exhaustive publishing for researchers and libraries and acknowledges that this can be realized by publishing reliable and original research articles. In the case that a study or article will be withdrawn, the author(s) and the editorial board will share some responsibilies as required by the publishing policies of Education and Science. These responsibilities are listed below:


If the author(s) finds a mistake in their study which is unpublished or in early release or review process, they are obliged to cooperate with the editor of the journal during the withdrawal process.

The author(s) who wants to withdraw their study which is in review process is obliged to fill in the "Article Withdrawal Form", scan it with signature(s) on it and send the form via e-mail to the editorial board at The editorial board will return to the author(s) within a week, evaluating the request for withdrawal.

The studies the copyright of which is transferred to Education and Science during the submission process cannot be submitted to other journals for review unless they are approved for withdrawal.


The editorial board of Education and Science holds the responsibility of starting an investigation about a study if a suspicion arises that the study includes plagiarism and/or it has copyright issues.

If the editorial board detects breach of copyright or plagiarism for the manuscripts in review process, they retract the study from review and cancel its review process by sending a detailed document to the author(s) showing what was detected and where in the study.

If the editorial board detects breach of copyright or plagiarism for the articles published in an issue or in early release, the retraction and reporting procedures are applied according to statements indicated below in 1 week at the latest:

  1. The study which is detected to have plagiarism is labelled as "Retraction:" in the electronic environment.
  2. Instead of the Abstract and Full Text, the reasons why the study has been retracted, detailed evidence and the statements (if any) of the affiliated institution about the issue are published electronically.
  3. The study is announced as "Retraction" on the main page of the journal's web page.
  4. The study is included in the contents of the first issue of the journal to be published after the date of retraction as "Retraction: Article Title", and from its first page onwards the reasons why it has been retracted and the original citations are shared with the public and researchers.
  5. The institutions that the author(s) is affiliated with are informed about the retraction.
  6. The retraction reports indicated above are sent to the institutions where the journal is indexed and to the National Library of Turkey so that they are recorded in index directories and catalogues.

Furthermore, if there are any publishers or editorial boards through whom the author(s) had their studies published before, the editorial board of Education and Science can make suggestions to these parties that the published studies of the author(s) who has plagiarised should be reviewed for validity and reliability or be retracted.



The author(s) retains the right to appeal against the reports produced by the editorial and scientific boards upon the completion of the review process at Education and Science. The author(s) should send their reasons for appeal in a scientific manner and by showing references to The appeal will be examined by the editorial board within one month the latest (the field editor and reviewers of the manuscript may be asked to share their opinions about the appeal) and the author(s) will be informed of any positive or negative result. If the result is positive, the editorial board assigns new reviewers that have expertise in the subject of the manuscript and re-starts the review process.




Publication Ethics

The publication process at Education and Science is the basis of the improvement and dissemination of information objectively and respectfully. Therefore, the procedures in this process improves the quality of the studies. Peer-reviewed studies are the ones that support and materialize the scientific method. At this point, it is of utmost importance that all parties included in the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, reviewers and editors) comply with the standards of ethical considerations. Education and Science expects all parties to hold the following ethical responsibilities.

The following ethical duties and responsibilities are written in the light of the guide and policies made by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

The authors who submit their manuscripts to Education and Science are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:

  • Author(s) must submit original studies to the journal. If they utilize or use other studies, they must make the in-text and end-text references accurately and completely.
  • People who have not contributed to the study at the intellectual level should not be indicated as author.
  • If the manuscripts submitted to be published are subject of conflicting interests or relations, these must be explained.
  • During the review process of their manuscripts, author(s) may be asked to supply raw data. In such a case, author(s) should be ready to submit such data and information to the editorial and scientific boards.
  • Author(s) should document that they have the participants' consent and the necessary permissions related with the sharing and research/analysis of the data that are used.
  • Author(s) bears the responsibility to inform the editor of the journal or publisher if they happen to notice a mistake in their study which is in early release or publication process and to cooperate with the editors during the correction or withdrawal process.
  • Authors cannot submit their studies to multiple journals simultaneously. Each submission can be made only after the previous one is completed. A study published in another journal cannot be submitted to Education and Science.
  • Author responsibilities given in a study (e.g.: adding an author, reordering of author names) whose review process has begun cannot be changed.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors

The editor and field editors of Education and Science should hold the following ethical responsibilities that are based on the guides "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open Access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

General duties and responsibilities

Editors are responsible for each study published in Education and Science. In this respect, the editors have the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Making efforts to meet the demand for knowledge from readers and authors,
  • Ensuring the continuous development of the journal,
  • Managing the procedures aimed to improve the quality of the studies published in the journal,
  • Supporting freedom of expression,
  • Ensuring academic integrity,
  • Following the procedures without making concessions on intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
  • Being transparent and clear in issues that require correction or explanation.

Relationships with Readers

Editors must make decisions taking into consideration the knowledge, skills and expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners need. They must also ensure that the published studies contribute to literature and be original. Moreover, they must take notice of the feedback received from researchers and practitioners and provide explanatory and informative feedback.

Relationships with Authors

Editors have the following duties and responsibilities in their relations with authors:

  • Editors must make positive or negative decisions about the studies' importance, originality, validity, clarity in wording and suitability with the journal's aims and objectives.
  • Editors must accept the studies that are within the scope of publication into pre review process unless there are serious problems with the study.
  • Editors must not ignore positive suggestions made by reviewers unless there are serious problems with the study.
  • New editors, unless there are serious issues, must not change the previous editor's decisions about the studies.
  • "Blind Review and Review Process" must be published and editors must prevent possible diversions in the defined processes.
  • Editors must publish an "Author's Guide" that is comprehensive enough in answering queries by authors. This guide must be updated regularly.
  • Authors should be provided with explanatory and informative feedback.

Relationships with Reviewers

Editors have the following duties and responsibilities in their relations with reviewers:

Editors must

  • choose reviewers according to the subject of the study.
  • provide the information and guidance reviewers may need during the review process.
  • observe whether there are conflicting interests between reviewers and authors.
  • keep the identities of reviewers confidential in blind review.
  • encourage the reviewers to review the manuscript in an unbiased, scientific and objective tone.
  • evaluate reviewers regularly based on criteria like performance and timing.
  • develop practices and policies that increase the performance of reviewers.
  • take necessary steps to update the reviewer pool dynamically.
  • prevent unkind and unscientific reviews.
  • make effort to ensure the reviewer pool has a wide range.

Relationships with the Editorial Board

Editors must make sure that the members of the editorial board follow the procedures in accordance with the publication policies and guidelines, and must inform the members about the publication policies and developments. The editors must also train new members of the editorial board and provide the information they need.

Moreover, editors must

  • ensure that the members of the editorial board review the manuscripts in an unbiased and independent manner.
  • select the new members of the editorial board from those who can contribute to the journal and are qualified enough.
  • send manuscripts for review based on the subject of expertise of the editorial board members.
  • regularly communicate with the editorial board.
  • arrange regular meetings with the editorial board for the development of publication policies and the journal.

Relationships with the Journal's Owner and Publisher

The relationship between the editors and publisher is based on the principle of the independency of editors. All the decisions made by the editors are independent of the publisher and the owner of the journal as required by the agreement made between editors and publisher.

Editorial and Blind Review Processes

Editors are obliged to comply with the policies of "Blind Review and Review Process" stated in the journal's publication policies. Therefore, the editors ensure that each manuscript is reviewed in an unbiased, fair and timely manner.

Quality Assurance

Editors must make sure that articles in the journal are published in accordance with the publication policies of the journal and international standards.

Protection of Personal Information

Editors are supposed to protect the personal information related with the subjects or visuals in the studies being reviewed, and to reject the study if there is no documentation of the subjects' consent. Furthermore, editors are supposed to protect the personal information of the authors, reviewers and readers.

Encouraging Ethical Rules and Protection of Human and Animal Rights

Editors are supposed to protect human and animal rights in the studies being reviewed and must reject the experimental studies which do not have ethical and related committee’s approval about the population given in such studies.

Precautions against possible Abuse and Malpractice

Editors are supposed to take precautions against possible abuse and malpractice. They must conduct investigations meticulously and objectively in determining and evaluating complaints about such situations. They must also share the results of the investigation.

Ensuring Academic Integrity

Editors must make sure that the mistakes, inconsistencies or misdirections in studies are corrected quickly.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all the articles published in the journal and the rights of the journal and author(s) in cases where these rights are violated. Also, editors must take the necessary precautions in order to prevent the content of all published articles from violating the intellectual property rights of other publications. See Plagiarism Check

Constructiveness and Openness to Discussion

Editors must

  • pay attention to the convincing criticism about studies published in the journal and must have a constructive attitude towards such criticism.
  • grant the right of reply to the author(s) of the criticized study.
  • not ignore or exclude the study that include negative results.


Editors must examine the complaints from authors, reviewers or readers and respond to them in an explanatory and enlightening manner.

Political and Economic Apprehensions

Neither the owner of the journal, publisher or any other political or economical factor can influence the independent decision taking of the editors.

Conflicting Interests

Editors, acknowledging that there may be conflicting interests between reviewers and other editors, guarantee that the publication process of the manuscripts will be completed in an independent and unbiased manner


Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

The fact that all manuscripts are reviewed through "Blind Review" has a direct influence on the publication quality. This process ensures confidentiality by objective and independent review. The review process at Education and Science is carried out on the principle of double blind review. Reviewers do not contact the authors directly, and the reviews and comments are conveyed through the journal management system. In this process, the reviewer views on the evaluation forms and full texts are assigned to the author(s) by the editor. Therefore, the reviewers doing review work for Education and Science are supposed to bear the following ethical responsibilities:

Reviewers must

  • agree to review only in their subject of expertise.
  • review in an unbiased and confidential manner.
  • inform the editor of the journal if they think that they encounter conflict of interests and decline to review the manuscript during the review process.
  • dispose the manuscripts they have reviewed in accordance with the principle of confidentiality after the review process. Reviewers can use the final versions of the manuscripts they have reviewed only after publication.
  • review the manuscript objectively and only in terms of its content and ensure that nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, and economic apprehension do not influence the review.
  • review the manuscript in a constructive and kind tone, avoid making personal comments including hostility, slander and insult.
  • review the manuscript they have agreed to review on time and in accordance with the ethical rules stated above.

Ethical Responsibilities of Publisher

Turkish Education Association (TEA), publisher of Education and Science, is a non-profit civil society organization working for the good of the public. As required by its founding policy, TEA publishes Education and Science to enable the relation between education and science become public knowledge at international standards. Therefore, the Board of TEA is conscious of the fact that they must observe the ethical responsilities below and act accordingly:

  • Editors are responsible for all the processes that the manuscripts submitted to Education and Science will go through. Within this framework, ignoring the economic or political interests, the decision-makers are the editors.
  • The publisher undertakes to have an independent editorial decision made.
  • The publisher protects the intellectual property rights of all the articles published in Education and Science and holds the responsibility to keep a record of each unpublished article.
  • The publisher bears all the responsibility to take the precautions against scientific abuse, fraud and plagiarism.

Unethical Behaviour

Should you encounter any unethical act or content in Education and Science apart from the ethical responsibilities listed above, please notify the journal by e-mail at




At Education and Science, the accepted manuscripts undergo the processes of plagiarism detection, preparation of bibliography, cross-reference and reference check, layout and galley, assigning a DOI number and being put into early release. The manuscripts in early release are published in the volume and issue determined by the editorial board.

Since Education and Science claims no fees for article review or printing and no subscription fees for access to articles, it has no source of income. However, the following pecuniary obligations of the accepted manuscripts lie with the author(s).


Plagiarism Detection

In accordance with its publishing policies, Education and Science oblige each study that has undergone the "Blind Review Process" to be detected for plagiarism to protect the integrity of the study. Therefore, both Turkish and English copies of the study are detected for plagiarism by a company chosen by the editorial board. Incurring fees are paid by the author(s).

The plagiarism detection is done by Turnitin and iThenticate softwares. The matches found in each study after plagiarism detection are analysed in detail and those matches with correct reference and cross-reference are sorted. In the next step, the mistakes in the remaining matches are determined and reported to the editorial board. The board, then, makes a final decision in the light of the plagiarism detection report. The author(s) may be asked to correct the mistakes listed in the report or the study may be returned to the author(s).


References and Citation Control

Scientific research builds upon previous studies. In new studies, references and attributions to the previous studies are provided within the framework of certain rules. Intentional or unintentional mistakes in scientific studies harm the reliability of the study and publication.

Education and Science, in accordance with its publication ethics, considers it to be an obligation for the accepted studies to have correct and complete references and attributions. Therefore, each study, after acceptance, is checked in terms of bibliography, referencing and attribution by a company chosen by the editorial board. Incurring costs lie with the author(s).

The full Turkish and English texts of the accepted studies are processed for bibliography, referencing and attribution check in the following steps:

  • Bibliography is prepared according to the APA Referencing Style Guide 6th Edition.
  • The in-text references of the references given in the bibliography should be in line with rules and regulations, and mistakes are corrected.
  • Attributions of the in-text references are checked. The author(s) is asked to provide the missing ones, and the incorrect ones are corrected.

For the Turkish full text Turkish rules and regulations of referencing are used, and for the English full texts English rules and regulations of referencing are used.


Layout and Galley

Education and Science requires that the articles be printed in a common type of and complete page layout for formal integrity, readability and standards. Therefore, the studies whose plagiarism detection and bibliography preparation is finished, are sent to a company chosen by the editorial board for layout and galley. Incurring costs for page layout and preparation of the copy for print lie with the author(s).


Assigning a DOI Number

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique access number that enables the identification and accessibility of each article published electronically. It is mandatory that each article published in Education and Science or in early release is assigned a DOI number.

After acceptance, the manuscripts which are checked for plagiarism and bibliography and ready for publication are given a DOI number by the Editorial Board.


Early Release

Education and Science values the dissemination of up-to-date and original information. Therefore, those manuscripts that are accepted after the review process and whose process for publication is over are published electronically as early release. Later, these manuscripts are given page numbers and published in the volume and issue found suitable by the editorial board. The manuscripts in the early release may not be the final version to be seen in the normal issue. Minor editing may be done on the final version to be published.




In cases where manuscripts by authors whose native language is not Turkish are accepted for publication, the manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial board after their translation and editing is done by the companies indicated below.

The language (Turkish and English) of the manuscripts submitted to Education and Science must be accurate in terms of rules of grammar and scientific literature and must have a plain and clear language quality. Manuscripts should be written in fluent language and free of foreign words. If the manuscripts are edited before they are submitted for review, the process of publication gets healthy.

The editorial board may demand that the manuscripts be edited for language mistakes during the review process or after acception. The author(s) who has been requested to get his/her manuscript edited must do so referring to one of the companies below and present a related document to the editorial board afterwards.


Created: September 8, 2015 | Revision: April 23, 2020

Creative Commons License

The contents of this system and all articles published in Education and Science are licenced under the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License".

ISSN: 1300-1337