Analyzing the Student Relationship Styles of the Primary School Teachers With High Burnout Level

Sema Karakelle, Seçil Canpolat


In this study, primary school teachers with high levels of burn out and their styles of student relationship are investigated. 100 teachers are chosen randomly from primary school teachers in Antalya. 25 out of 100 teachers are found to be experiencing high levels of burnout. Maslach Burnout Inventory is used for determining the burnout levels of the teachers. In order to describe their approaches to the student relationship, the teachers are interviewed. It is found out that the teachers cannot build positive relations with their students, they use grades to handle negative student behaviours, they usually prefer reprimands when faced with misbehaviours, in complex cases they prefer to hand over the responsibility to the school administration and they prefer to explain the negative student behaviours in terms of causes external to themselves such as bad rearing environments and developmental characteristics of the students. It can be assumed that the teachers with high burnout levels generally have difficulties in producing more than one solution to problems, feel themselves inadequate for controlling their professional lives and are tired of continuing their profession.


Burnout, Student Relationship, Teacher’s Behavior.

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