Analyzing Primary School Curriculum in Terms of Sustainable Environmental Education

Belgin Tanrıverdi


“Educating for a Sustainable Future”, a program prepared by UNESCO, postulates that economic development forms the basis of human development by recognizing that “sustainable” economy is linked closely to conservation of natural resources and the equitable sharing of resources. Thus, environmental education (EE) becomes an important tool in the cause of sustainable development. For UNESCO, ESD (Education for sustainable development) is more than acquiring knowledge and understanding issues; it is also about developing skills, values and perspectives. The purpose of this study is to analyze Primary Education Curriculum of Turkey in terms of sustainable environmental education. In this study, it was concluded that learning outcomes in the curriculum are generally based on acquiring knowledge and understanding issues and they are not satisfactorily presented in terms of developing skills, values and perspectives. Besides, environmental education focuses on nature conservation education more than sustainable environmental education.


Sustainable Environmental Education, Primary School Curriculum, European Union

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