The Development of A Reflective Thinking Skill Scale towards Problem Solving

Gonca Kızılkaya, Petek Aşkar


The aim of this study is to develop a reflective thinking skill scale towards problem solving. Development process is formed of two stages one being the preliminary study and the second being the validity and reliability studies. The three dimensions of the reflective thinking such as questioning, reasoning and evaluation have been determined by the analysis of the actions which reveal the reflective thinking. The scale contained 14 questions before the administration of the validity and the reliability studies. The scale has been applied to 339 (174 female, 165 male) students who are receiving 7th grade Elementary School education and statistical analysis have been performed. Confirmative factor analysis has been carried out in the extent of the questioning, reasoning and evaluation dimensions. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett test have been applied with the intention of determining the suitability to the analysis of the given factor before carrying out the confirmatory factor analysis. The KMO value has been found as  “.872”. Goodness of fit indexes calculated as the result of analysis in the frame of validity studies of the reflective thinking skill towards problem solving have been calculated as GFI= .92, AGFI= .89, NNFI= .9, CFI= .95, RMSR= .08, RMSEA= .071. As a result the scale is consisted of 14 items in three dimensions namely: questioning, reasoning and evaluation.


reflective thinking, problem solving, reflective learning, reflective thinking scale.

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