A Metaphoric Analysis Regarding Gender Perceptions of Preservice Teachers

Gülay Aslan


The aim of the study is to determine the gender perceptions of preservice teachers through the metaphors they describe women and men. It is a qualitative study conducted with content analysis. Data was collected through a semi-structured questionnaire from 510 final year students and preservice teachers attending teacher certification program at the Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Education. The study showed that the preservice teachers had gender prejudice supporting the patriarchal family structure. About half of the preservice teachers described women using metaphores emphasizing that women were “slender, sensitive, and needing attention”. Here, the most frequently used metaphore was “flower”. More than a quarter of the preservice teachers (31.2%) described men using metaphores emphasizing that men were “rude, tough, and insensitive”. Here, the most frequently used metaphore was “log”. Also, while both genders had significantly positive perceptions for themselves, they had significantly negative perceptions for the opposite gender. Thus, there is a need to create gender awareness in all parts of the society starting from the education faculties, and to develop policies for gender equality.


Gender, Metaphor, Preservice teacher, Turkey

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15390/EB.2015.2930

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