Psychometric Properties of Diagnostic Branched Tree

Ümit Çelen


Various changes are observed in assessment methods and tools along with the adoption of constructivist teaching and learning approach. One of the assessment tools proposed by the new curriculum is the diagnostic branched tree. Data for this study which was conducted to identify the psychometric properties of the tool were obtained from three working groups. Common denominators of the total of 525 students participating in the study were that they were all teacher candidates and they took assessment and evaluation course in 2012-2013 academic year. Data were collected via diagnostic branched tree developed by the researcher to evaluate achievement in the measurement and evaluation class, true-false test and multiple choice achievement tests. Results show that diagnostic branched tree also includes the disadvantages of the true-false tests, does not have high reliability and validity and it is not as “diagnostic” as the name implies.


Diagnostic branched tree, True-false tests, Validity, Reliability


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