The Relationship Between Writing Self-Efficacy and Writing Skill: A Meta-Analysis Study

Arzu Atasoy


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between writing self-efficacy and writing skill using meta-analysis. In line with this main purpose, the frequency and percentage distributions of the studies, which are included in the research as part of the meta-analysis, according to the moderator variables, the overall effect size of the relationship between writing self-efficacy and writing skill, and the differences in the effect sizes of the studies based on the moderator variables were examined. In order to collect data, "writing self-efficacy", "self-efficacy and writing", "writing motivation", "writing belief", "yazma öz yeterlik", "yazma öz yeterliği", "yazma motivasyonu" (Turkish terms for writing self-efficacy and writing motivation) keywords have been searched in Web of Science, Proquest, ERIC, Council of Higher Education National Theses Center, ULAKBIM (Turkish Academic Network and Information Center) Social Sciences databases, Google Scholar and Google Akademik (Turkish name of Google Scholar) search engines. 70 studies were determined as the result of these searches, and among these studies, those that did not comply with the inclusion and exclusion criteria were eliminated and 37 studies were selected as the sample of the research. In the analysis of the data, Comprehensive Meta-analysis v3.0 statistics program was used. Random effects model was chosen as the meta-analysis model for the research, and Fisher Z value was used in calculating the effect size value. As the result of the analysis carried out, the overall effect size of the relationship between writing self-efficacy and writing skill was positive and moderate (0.369). In addition to the foregoing, there were some differences between the effect sizes of the studies examining the relationship between writing self-efficacy and writing skill based on moderator variables.


Turkish Education, Self-efficacy, Writing Self-efficacy, Writing Skill, Meta-analysis


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