Who Earnings After Four Years’ Education in Turkey: The Society or the Individual?

Filiz Gölpek


In literature, there is important evidence that earning of society in primary and secondary education is higher than that of individuals in higher education. This evidence arises from the calculations made by using benefit-cost analysis in higher education.

The purpose of this study is determine, through benefit-cost analysis, whether society or individuals benefit higher education expenses in Turkey. The study is comprised of four sections including the introduction and conclusion parts. The second section focuses on the comparative analysis of different research data by means of literature review on the social and private earnings (returns) of education. 2005 data was used in calculations and especially survey results conducted by Higher Education Institution and Turkish Education Association were utilized. In conclusion parts, it is suggested that although returns to society are high in consequence of four years’ university education, individual earnings more than the society.


Cost-benefit analysis, In higher education, Internal rate of return technique, Private and society returns of higher education, Social and private earnings, Social and private costs

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15390/EB.2015.1755

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